
The heart of the Zero Trust Security model.

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Minimizing your attack surfaces

Microsegmentation is at the heart of the zero trust security model, which assumes no implicit trust within or outside the network. By implementing microsegmentation, organizations can dramatically enhance their network security posture, addressing the evolving landscape of cybersecurity threats and compliance demands. This is the practice of dividing a network into smaller, more granular segments (or "microsegments") to enhance security and improve manageability.

  Reduction of Lateral Movement

Traditional flat networks or poorly segmented networks allow for easy lateral movement of threats. If attackers breach one part of the network, they can often traverse to other parts.

  Regulatory Requirements

Many industries have compliance standards that require specific data protection measures. Microsegmentation can be used to isolate sensitive data, ensuring that only authorized entities have access and that compliance mandates are met.

  Rapid Deployment and Scaling

Modern software development and deployment processes like DevOps and Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) require dynamic environments. Microsegmentation can be seamlessly integrated into these processes, allowing for the quick deployment of applications in isolated segments.

  Fine-grained Policies

With microsegmentation, policies can be defined at a much more granular level, ensuring that only necessary communications are permitted and everything else is denied by default (a principle called "zero trust").

  Adaptable to Change

In dynamic environments, like those found in modern cloud infrastructures, resources are continuously added, removed, or changed. Microsegmentation allows for the creation of adaptive security policies that can change as the environment does.

What are the business values?

  Enhanced Security Posture

Directly strengthens IT security by minimizing the attack surface and preventing unauthorized access within the network.

  Regulatory Compliance

Facilitates adherence to data protection regulations through granular access controls, aiding in risk management.

  Operational Efficiency

Automates and simplifies security policy enforcement, leading to more efficient network management.

  Agility and Scalability

Enables quick adaptation to business needs, supporting the deployment of new services with scalable security measures.

  Business Continuity

Strengthens resilience against cyber threats, ensuring uninterrupted business operations.

  Competitive Advantage

Elevates the company’s market standing by demonstrating a strong commitment to cybersecurity.

  Financial Health

Mitigates the financial risks of data breaches, protecting the company’s bottom line and reputation.

  Stakeholder Trust

Builds confidence among investors, customers, and partners in the company’s security and ethical practices.

The Zero Trust Segmentation Platform

  Isolate breaches.

 Protects your data - Enable Zero Trust in your data center.

  See risk by visualizing all communication and traffic between workloads and devices across the entire hybrid attack surface.

 With every change, automatically set granular and flexible segmentation policies that control communication between workloads and devices to only allow what is necessary and wanted.

  Automation enabler by replacing IP addresses with labels.